Sounds I've produced for academia and just for fun
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Concert Works
Gurf's Spectrum (2018)
For two pianos, tuned a quarter tone apart from each other
Scintillations (2018)
For string quartet and marimba
"Trap" (2016)
For tenor, soprano, flute, bassoon, piano, timpani, violin, and cello
Instrument Builds
Marimba has always been my favorite instrument, despite having started playing violin in 2006.
By 2018, I had decided that the best way to learn marimba was to have one at home. I followed a guide, while also making a few of my own design decisions, including going below the standard 5-octave concert range to a low A (5.3 octaves).
The bars are Honduran Rosewood (which I discovered is very difficult to find since its having been added to the CITES list) and the resonators are pvc pipe.
Music Box
For my culminating electronic music project at WWU, I decided I wanted to record a programmable music box into a Max MSP patch that would interpret pitches as MIDI data and then do live processing based on the integer data of the incoming pitches.
I quickly realized that the built-in crank on the music box produced a lot of transient vibration, which would mean a lot of unwanted mechanical noise. Inspired by Wintergatan's music box setup, I decided to make my own manual crank out of Legos to mitigate these vibrations and get a purer sound.
The program responsible for the live audio processing and effects is pictured to the right. I'm planning on recording this again soon with a better microphone and video of the program in action. Click to enlarge for more detail.